training4changeS Antiracism Policy
training4changeS opposes all forms of discrimination and abuse. Understanding the significance of the space in which training4changeS has evolved, we have felt compelled to share a written statement that communicates our values, and guides our actions. One of the key values outlined in our Ethics Charter is Antiracism, by which we mean to empathetically view all people as equals, and to intentionally pursue justice and equity for all. Racism breaks our heart, and cannot be tolerated on or off the pitch.
We want to honor those who inspire us on this journey including changemakers like Steve Biko, Ibram X. Kendi, John Perkins, Sheila Wise Rowe, and Gloria Yamato; organizations like Isiphambano and Dismantling Racism Works; and the numerous people we have the opportunity to walk with on a daily basis.
Our goal is to create a safe inclusive environment where power and opportunity are shared equitably, where everyone experiences a sense of well-being and belonging. When people are fully accepted, they are more likely to feel valued, respected, and motivated; they feel empowered to contribute their unique ideas, and realize their full potential. We view inclusion and equity as more than just outcomes, they are guiding lights for our journey.
We believe that life is a continuous growth cycle of experiencing, reflecting, learning, and implementing. Likewise, the movement from racist to antiracist is always ongoing. We acknowledge that there is much we need to learn, and there are many people we need to listen to. We believe it is vital to continue learning from people with different perspectives, accepting that we may be challenged by or disagree with some of the things they say and do. Therefore, we strive to build a strong process of lifelong learning in community. To support this process, it is important to establish a basic shared understanding and framework of what we mean by racism and antiracism.
When it comes to PEOPLE, we commit to:
- Celebrating cultural differences and seeking to learn from each other
- Seeking to listen to and learn from all communities around us, acting with humility and openness
- Taking intentional action in order to diversify our team at every level
- Working to design our recruitment processes in ways that help overcome barriers related to race and socio-economic background
- Helping young people learn how to appreciate, love, and support people that are different than them
- Striving to help people find antiracist power within themselves so they can help eliminate racial inequity in their spheres of influence
When it comes to POLICIES, we commit to:
- Regularly examining our policies to ensure they are racially inclusive and equitable
- Requiring all training4changeS team members to maintain good conduct, and avoid contravening this policy
- Addressing every instance of racism in a way that holds people accountable while encouraging growth and restoration
- Encouraging complaints about racism and racial harassment within training4changeS to be brought to the attention of training4changeS management as soon as is reasonably possible in the circumstances
- Investigating and addressing all complaints we receive promptly and appropriately to the full extent of the law
- Developing strategies to help prevent racist incidents from occurring and recurring
When it comes to PRACTICES, we commit to:
- Striving to facilitate opportunities for people to move closer to each other, and learn together how to take antiracist action
- Aiming to ensure that our spaces are welcoming for all people and that our activities celebrate diverse histories and cultures
- Committing to a process of ongoing antiracist education so we can continue learning as individuals and as an organization
- Leveraging our power to act in collaboration with those who experience racial discrimination
- Aiming to help people around us become more aware, informed, and empowered to take meaningful antiracist action
- Doing our best to provide exemplary leadership on antiracism, and in doing so, acting as a catalyst for others around us to take action towards long-term change
This policy clarifies an important part of who we are and what we do at training4changeS. We will continue to learn and adapt; and as we do, we will update this document and our other policies whenever it may help us to take antiracist action more effectively.
Download our full Antiracism Policy here.
-Nelson Mandela